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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Aerobic Training with Weight Loss

The Importance of Aerobic Training in Weight Loss by Gary Cheung

It is no secret that regular exercise helps you live for a longer period of time and enhances your well-being. Thirty minutes of daily aerobic exercise will reduce the risk of chronic diseases; sixty minutes of daily aerobic activity prevents weight gain if coupled with a proper balanced diet; ninety minutes (or at least sixty minutes) when coupled with the correct diet will evidently lead to weight loss. The level of exercise must be moderate to vigorous for the entire duration. Aerobic activities often mean longer endurance type exercises such as group fitness classes, running, swimming and even just walking if you do it fast enough to get your heart rate up.

You want to loose body fat? Then aerobic activity it the way to do it! Aerobic activities burn up more calories than any other activities and help to raise your metabolism, which then in turn helps you burn more calories faster. Aerobic exercise makes your heart muscles stronger and improves the overall efficiency of your body.

Losing weight is achieved by creating a calorie deficit (this means you are expending more calories than you are taking in) so it makes sense that partaking in activities that burn large amounts of calories is vital to shedding (and keeping off) those unwanted pounds. Pending you're eating the right type of foods to allow a calorie deficit to occur, when you exercise enough raise your heart rate your body begins to use stored carbohydrates and fatty acids for energy, which promotes weights loss.

Regular Aerobic Activity also increases your VO2 max. VO2 max is a measure of your capacity to generate energy required for endurance activities and is one of the most important factors in determining how long you can exercise for. The better your VO2 max is, the longer you can exercise for which translates to more overall calories burnt and more weight lost.

Apart from burning calories, regular aerobic activity improves your overall fitness level, helps control blood pressure, lowers the risk of heart attacks, reduces stress and anxiety, helps build and maintain bones and joints and reduces the risk of falling among older adults.

Aerobic activity is important for many aspect of wellness, but is absolutely vital if you want to shed those pounds. If you're currently a sedentary person, seek the advice of your doctor before embarking on any type of fitness program.

About the Author

Gary Cheung is fitness professional in New York City. He has helped many people change their lives. He currently runs a free informational website on weight loss. Please visit:


Some people like to believe that they can lose weight, without, exercise, in the majority of cases, this is not likely. So get out and go for a run. For superb health and fitness resources check out or for advice on running check out
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Saturday, August 26, 2006

High Blood Pressure - a symptom of obesity

Its a well known fact that obesity is linked to high blood pressure, and so, for those who are over-weight, they should know the dangers that it entails. Here is an informative article regarding blood pressure, providing you with plenty of information about what it high blood pressure is, and how it can be treated! For more information, try or


Blood Pressure - All You Need To Know by Sharon Stajda

Blood Pressure, All You Should, And Need To Know

The ancient Greek physician Galen had the belief that blood was produced in the heart. Galen was the first to build on the beliefs that were earlier conceived by Hippocrates, that the body was composed of three distinct systems, systems which worked together to sustain good health and life.

Hippocrates hypothesize that the three body systems were, the brain, the nerves, and the existence of a pressure of blood. This pressure caused blood to be forced through the bodies' blood vessels. He believed this hidden blood pressure was literally what sustained life, and provided the human body with a very important energy, an energy that ultimately led to the body being able to function and survive. He also believed that the circulation of blood through the liver and veins, gave way to nourishment for the body, and aid in growth, and good health.

After hundreds of years, and a multitude of research we now see that Hippocrates, and Galen were not far off with their hypotheses. Blood is pressured through the body, via the heart. With every pumping beat the heart exerts itself to propel blood. Blood that ultimately provide every system in the body with a blood supply. Blood that not only carries oxygen to nourish every cell in the body, but blood also along with the circulatory system, acts as a means of transportation to the liver, where blood is filters of harmful impurities.

So as one will surmise a healthy blood pressure is important for many reasons. It works to feed the bodies cells, and promote good cell function, and aids in keeping ones immune system healthy, and able to avert disease.

A health blood pressure reading as most of us know it is, 120/80. But what do these numbers mean? Does it mean I have high blood pressure if that bottom number is 90? What effect does it have on the heart when my top number is 140?

The top reading (120) is called a systolic pressure (sp). The sp is the pressure the heart will exert when it is pumping the blood. The heart needs to exert a good amount of pressure to propel the blood on its way. A healthy systolic pressure reading is between 110 - 120. This indicates the heart is not working beyond its desired capacity, when at its working phase.

The bottom reading (80) is called the diastolic pressure. This is when the heart is in its resting phase. This number indicates your heart at rest, a much needed period. This gives your heart the time needed to refill with blood, and ready itself for the next systolic exertions.

A health person's blood pressure will fluctuate, with physical activity, and stress. So when you visit your doctor, and your pressure runs a bit high, you may want to recheck it later in the day. You may be pleased that the stress of worrying about the doctors' visit may have spiked your pressure, and it is now more normal. I recommend having a blood pressure monitoring device. It is a wonderful little tool to have in ones home.

We have covered the good norms for blood pressure readings, its time to provide you with the abnormal readings. Important blood pressure ranges to know, and look out for.

Pre-hypertension: is when your systolic blood (Top Number) pressure reading is between 120 and 139 or your diastolic reading ( the bottom number) blood pressure is between 82 and 89 on multiple readings, on multiple readings over a period of a few days. (Keep in mind blood pressure can fluctuate depending on stressors.) If you have pre-hypertension you are somewhat more at risk to develop true hypertension. With pre hypertension one can opt to make changes in life style, loose weight, along with diet changes, to ascertain if life style changes alone will bring down the blood pressure. If not perhaps medication may be required to lower the pressure. It is always smart to consult the doctor if you have recovered you are pre-hypertensive.

Hypertension or high blood pressure: Is indicated if your systolic reading is above 140 and your diastolic reading is above 90 for a prolonged period of days. High blood pressure makes the heart work harder, and wear out sooner. It ultimately makes the body susceptible to a wide range of health problems. Complications such as, hypertensive heart disease, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, blood vessel damage (arteriosclerosis) , aortic dissection, kidney damage, kidney failure, stroke, brain damage, loss of vision. If you have high blood pressure, its time to defiantly consult your doctor, for his recommendations.

The unfortunate problem with high blood pressure is that it is sneaky, and can go undetected due to the fact that as a rule it exhibits few or no actual symptoms. The most common symptoms being that of, blurred vision, dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, flushed facial skin. The majority of people with high blood pressure never experience any adverse symptoms. This is one good reason it is a good idea to have a blood pressure monitoring device in ones home.

Hypertension is very controllable with the right treatment. Treatment of high blood pressure may requires you to change your diet, and possibly to loose some weight. High blood pressure will most defiantly require lifelong monitoring, along with medication. It is very important to obtain good medical care, a doctor to monitor your readings, and prescribe, and monitor the proper blood pressure medication. High blood pressure is luckily a disease that if diagnosed, is very treatable. It is most defiantly a condition you do not want to ignore.

About the Author

To learn more, please visit Reuduction Of High Blood Pressure or Nutrition And High Blood Pressure.

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Cut The Fat! by Christina Gopal

I am sure you have long heard about the implications that saturated and trans fats have on the body.

Increased fat in the diet impairs health and can lead to diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes.

An increase in body fat most often is due to an increase in food intake (amount of calories consumed) over the metabolic rate (the rate that the body burn calories). Low calorie diets aim to adjust this problem; however, these diets are not usually a good idea. This is because, sometimes the metabolic rate falls so low, that it prevents further weight loss and one can continue to gain weight on the same or less caloric intake. Instead, one should set caloric intakes to be maintained throughout their life...something that is sustainable. Consuming fat yields 9 calories per gram! This is the highest out of all nutrients, and so fats take up a lot of daily calories. Which is why, everyone could benefit from cutting out some fat from the diet.

Don't get discouraged, often people begin to worry and cut out all fat. That isn't necessary. Fats are an interesting nutrient. As there are essential fats (ones that our body needs) and then there are the fats that we must learn to avoid or limit. Essential fats, include the mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for example). Good sources for essential fats include fishes, nuts, seeds, avacados, legumes, etc.

Reducing fat, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be dreadful. The following helpful tips are simple way to cut the fat in the diet:

  • Add a splash of herbed or flavored vinegar to salads instead of salad dressing
  • Try mustard, chutney, hummus, or salsa on sandwiches instead of butter, margarine or mayonnaise
  • Use fresh/dried herbs, spices, garlic and ginger in your cooking for flavor on low-fat dishes
  • Use beans, tofu, fish in place of meat dishes occasionally (shoot for at least twice a week)
  • Opt for low-fat dairy products
  • Eat lean meats (e.g. chicken, turkey, deli meats)
  • Trim the visible fat off your meats, and avoid poultry skin
  • Avoid the use of processed meats
  • Increase your fiber intake, eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables daily
  • Make vegetables your biggest portion of your meal, try different ones everyday to increase variety and decrease boredom
  • Avoid gravy and limit use of cream sauces (try seasonings or tomato-based sauces)
  • Avoid deep fat fried foods!!

It is important to keep in mind, that food choices should be based on the benefits it provides. If something reads "fat free" it doesn't always mean that it is good in nutritional value. Furthermore, the term fat-free is not the same as low in calories....the taste of fat may be compensated for more sugar for example. It is important to read ingredients and the nutrition labels to see what you are really getting out of the food.

So don't fret...making little changes in your diet every day, brings you one step closer to a healthier you!

##### Publisher's Box #####

© Christina Gopal, Certified Weight Loss Coach
Christina Gopal is a Certified Weight Loss Coach at My Private Coach. She can be contacted at
Get a taste of coaching FREE today, schedule your first free session!
This article may be published without the consent of the author so long as the publisher's box is included in the post.

##### End Publisher's Box #####

About the Author

Christina Gopal, BSc
Meet Christina Gopal, a certified weight loss coach and nutrition expert, to achieve the health and weight loss for which you strive! As a Founding Member of the IAC, and holding a degree in nutrition, Christina can guide you through food choices and how to effectively plan meals to your current lifestyle.


As this article demonstrates, losing weight, and cutting fatty foods out of your diet doesn't have to be torture, just take some time, have a think, and come up with funky new ways to adapt your food and meals, turning them into equally tasty fat reduced meals! Good luck!

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tip for Chocoholics Trying to Lose Weight

If you feel that urge to eat something with chocolate, then rather than reaching for a chocolate bar, or chocolate digestive biscuit, instead have a jafa cake, jafa cakes, have less fat, more importantly less hydrogenated fat, and less calories, as well as being thoroughly delicious!

Good luck with implementing these tips!

For more ideas on weight loss, health, and fitness visit

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

10 Secrets to Super-Charging your Metabolism by Janet Dunmore

Copyright 2006 Janet Dunmore

After years of yo yo dieting and trying every fad diet out there to lose weight I found that my metabolism was so low I only had to look at a cookie to put on weight. I decided I needed to make some drastic changes if I was to improve my chances of losing the extra weight that had been creeping on for the last few years.

Just think how easy it is to gain 1lb a week, you just have to overeat by 3,500 calories per week and there you are at the end of the year 52 pounds heavier. Well, if you're built like Victoria Beckham then you could probably stand to add the extra, but for us regular types, this is quite a scary prospect.

I decided to do some serious research into what would help me get my metabolism back up to normal in order to give me a fighting chance in my weight loss quest. Here's what I found that works:

Muscle helps to keep your metabolism up. You don't need to become a body builder but light weights with plenty of repetitions help tone and build the muscles. Cycling is also a good way of building muscle in your legs.

Some kind of Sustained activity every day is also important to keep your metabolism revved up. Try walking the dog for longer, taking the bike instead of the car, clean the house (vigorously) dig the garden or go dancing.

Start your day with a substantial meal and tail them off as the day goes on, make dinner the smallest meal of the day. This gives you more time to burn off the calories.

Don't skip meals. This will just deny your body of essential vitamins and nutrients needed for optimum health and slow down your metabolism. Try eating 5 small meals a day. Remember there is a reason that Sumo Wrestlers eat huge meals then take a nap after every meal.

Use spices, spices can make bland food more appealing and spice can boost your metabolism slightly.

Drink plenty of water; dehydration can slow down your metabolism. Water is the most important nutrient in the body. The liver will concentrate on water retention instead of burning fat if deprived of water. You will also feel more tired if dehydrated and therefore less inclined to exercise.

Try and make sure that 10-35% of your daily calories come from protein. These should be lean protein sources, e.g. fish, chicken etc. Also a small handful of unsalted nuts can help to keep your hunger at bay as well as providing a good source of protein.

Calcium helps to rev up your metabolism, so try and include 3 servings of low cal dairy and 1200mg of calcium a day.

Add interval training to your work-out. It's easy to add high intensity bursts, add a 30 second sprint to your jog every 5 minutes or up the incline for 1 minute in 5 on your treadmill.

Steer clear of fad diets such as The Maple Syrup Diet. It is liquid sugar, your blood sugar will just go up and down like a yo yo and your body will go into starvation mode (metabolism drop). Any fad diet purporting to help you lose weight fast is probably just going to help you to lose water and muscle and have your metabolism dropping faster than you can say roly poly.

If you can just incorporate 5 of these tips into your daily regime then you should see a significant improvement in your weight loss results.

About the Author

Janet Dunmore Nether Heyford UK For more help in reaching your weight loss goals go to:


I really enjoyed reading this article, in particular the last paragraph, it hits the nail on the head, fad diets may help you to lose weight in the short term, but in the long run, you'll quickly find yourself back to square one, or even heavier than you started! When using fad diets, your body is like a thermostat, and always returns to the origional, if you want to lose weight, you need to turn the thermostat down, increasing your metabolism is an effective way to do this.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New Weight Loss Tip

Here is another little tip for those who find it hard to fit exercise into their busy work days. If you take the bus to work, rather than getting off at your regular stop, get off one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way, that guarentees that you at least get a bit of fresh air and exercise into your day. Even better if possible is to scrap the bus completely and ride your bike all the way to work, this will help you get some exercise into that stagnant daily work routine!

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Natural Weight Loss Tips

Okay today's post is just a simple and easy tip that can be easily implemented into your daily routines which will help you have a healthier diet while cutting out considerable fat and sugar. It's as easy as this, simply, make sure you have fruit in as many rooms in your house as possible. When you feel you need a snack where you would usually grab a pack of crisps or some chocolate, you now have the fruit at hand to replace the chocolate, fruit is obviously a far healthier option, and by having it there in every room, it will remind you that it is the healthier and more nutritious choice.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Risks and Dangers of Obesity

With the rise of fast food over the last decade or so, western civilisation is under siege from a problem that has never plagued the world in its history. This problem is obesity. Despite the increasing research and facts emerging about fatty foods, and its affects to people's bodies and health, a vast amount of the western world still choose to ignore these facts and binge on fast foods, and do little exercise. It was reported that 35% of British men have not done any exercise within the last year, and over half are classed as over-weight or obese, while the proportion of people spending money on fatty foods and alcohol has risen. Will the coming generation be known as the obese generation, we can only hope not. Not only could this have disastrous economic affects in the UK as the strain will be felt by the health system as the generation ages, but on a personal level, being obese has huge (pardon the pun) health hazards!

The Health Hazards of being Obese

There are many health hazards associated with obesity, here I will inform you of the main ones, and hopefully in doing so, give you several reasons to either lose weight if you are currently obese, or keep you away from joining the increasingly large, infamous club, that is obesity, obesity is a club to be avoided if you value your health and your life. So here it is:

Firstly, cardiovascular disease, people who are overweight or obese are increasingly susceptible to cardiovascular disease, this is because of the affects that obesity has on lipid levels of the blood. Being overweight tends to result in having high levels LDL also known as 'bad cholesterol' which builds up on the inside of the arteries and result in the narrowing of the arteries, and in some cases blocking, a blood clot is a possibility, along with a heart attack!

Lethargy and daytime tiredness, obese people have been found to increasingly suffer from tiredness during the day and as a result, are more prone to be involved in road accidents. Further more it is likely that obese people will live as productive lives due to this lethargy and tiredness; as a result, it also makes losing weight even harder as they struggle to find the energy to go out and exercise.

Type-2 diabetes, it has been reported that up to 90% of type-2 diabetes sufferers are either overweight or obese, and as a result obesity has been found to be the major contributing factor to influencing whether or not somebody will suffer from type-2 diabetes. Diabetes in obese people is also more difficult to treat.

High Blood Pressure, it has long been known now that obesity can lead to high blood pressure, as blood pressure tends to rise with weight. Although the full reasons why obesity leads to high blood pressure is not fully known, one theory is that it is because the blood needs to be under greater pressure to get round a larger body. Although the heart can withstand high blood pressure for a long period of time, after a period of time, it may enlarge, this being a significant factor in heart failure and as a result you may die. Blocking of vessels to the brain (due to weakening of the blood vessels due to high blood pressure) may lead to a stroke, which can also be fatal. Heart attacks and kidney failure are two other possible consequences of having a high blood pressure.

There are many other diseases, illnesses and handicaps that occur due to obesity, these include arthritis, several forms of cancer, bodily pain, liver disease, and gout…the list goes on!

Being obese is risking your life, and endangering your health; you should try to correct this while you still have the chance, otherwise one day before your time, it shall be you last, and you may not even know it!

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Check out this!

In this article, I just thought I'd alert you to a new 'lens' that has been created, this new lens has been created which contains loads of new and useful health and fitness resources, most definitely worth a look to find lots of useful sites!

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Obesity, the Dangers of Gluttonous Habits

With the rise of fast food over the last decade or so, western civilisation is under siege from a problem that has never plagued the world in its history. This problem is obesity. Despite the increasing research and facts emerging about fatty foods, and its affects to people's bodies and health, a vast amount of the western world still choose to ignore these facts and binge on fast foods, and do little exercise. It was reported that 35%of British men have not done any exercise within the last year, and over half are classed as over-weight or obese, while the proportion of people spending money on fatty foods and alcohol has risen. Will the coming generation be known as the obese generation, we can only hope not. Not only could this have disastrous economic affects in the UK as the strain will be felt by the health system as the generation ages, but on a personal level, being obese has huge (pardon the pun) health hazards!

The Health Hazards of being Obese

There are many health hazards associated with obesity, here I will inform you of the main ones, and hopefully in doing so, give you several reasons to either lose weight if you are currently obese, or keep you away from joining the increasingly large, infamous club, that is obesity, obesity is a club to be avoided if you value your health and your life. So here it is:

  • Firstly, cardiovascular disease, people who are overweight or obese are increasingly susceptible to cardiovascular disease, this is because of the affects that obesity has on lipid levels of the blood. Being overweight tends to result in having high levels LDL also known as 'bad cholesterol' which builds up on the inside of the arteries and result in the narrowing of the arteries, and in some cases blocking, a blood clot is a possibility, along with a heart attack!
  • Lethargy and daytime tiredness, obese people have been found to increasingly suffer from tiredness during the day and as a result, are more prone to be involved in road accidents. Further more it is likely that obese people will live as productive lives due to this lethargy and tiredness; as a result, it also makes losing weight even harder as they struggle to find the energy to go out and exercise.
  • Type-2 diabetes, it has been reported that up to 90% of type-2 diabetes sufferers are either overweight or obese, and as a result obesity has been found to be the major contributing factor to influencing whether or not somebody will suffer from type-2 diabetes. Diabetes in obese people is also more difficult to treat.
  • High Blood Pressure, it has long been known now that obesity can lead to high blood pressure, as blood pressure tends to rise with weight. Although the full reasons why obesity leads to high blood pressure is not fully known, one theory is that it is because the blood needs to be under greater pressure to get round a larger body. Although the heart can withstand high blood pressure for a long period of time, after a period of time, it may enlarge, this being a significant factor in heart failure and as a result you may die. Blocking of vessels to the brain (due to weakening of the blood vessels due to high blood pressure) may lead to a stroke, which can also be fatal. Heart attacks and kidney failure are two other possible consequences of having a high blood pressure.
  • There are many other diseases, illnesses and handicaps that occur due to obesity, these include arthritis, several forms of cancer, bodily pain, liver disease, and gout…the list goes on!

Being obese is risking your life, and endangering your health; you should try to correct this while you still have the chance, otherwise one day before your time, it shall be you last, and you may not even know it!

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Get Motivated Today!

Okay, so there's something you want to do, whether it's losing weight, getting fit, quitting smoking or alcohol, or just to work harder, there will always be times when you start to struggle and need that extra motivation! This may be when on your campaign to get fit, when its cold and raining, and the last thing you feel like doing is going for a run, or when your giving up smoking and your in a bad mood and stressed and you are getting increasingly tempted to have a cigarette, through this article I will offer a few ideas to help give you that extra little bit of motivation to keep going!

  • Firstly, you need to remember that for every day that you stick to your goals, you are a day nearer to succeeding, if you can keep this in mind at all times then this will give you the extra spark to keep going.
  • You should take heart from any progress that you see, losing just a pound in weight is a start, from these small successes you should build, lose another pound in weight, seeing as progress is such a great motivator, and motivates you to continue and progress further. If you keep a diary, it will provide you with a quick and easy way of being able to see how you've improved, it will spur you on to keep going.
  • When times are tough, think to yourself how keeping going is going to change your life, whether it will make you more attractive, healthier and add years to your life expectancy, realising how these tough times are just part of the process on the way to your success will help remove any temptations to give in and go back to your old ways.
  • Don’t try to do reach your goals in a single leap and do everything at once, for example don’t try and lose 2 stone overnight, it just doesn’t work that way, its like revising for exams, rather than trying to do it all at once, it is far more effective if you do it in small amounts, little and often as they say, and slowly but surely you will see progress. Before you know it, these small steps will be the equivalent of a large step, and rather than struggling, it will be far more manageable.
  • Let as many of your friends as possible know what you are doing, whether it's quitting smoking or taking up a new fitness regime, it doesn't matter. By telling your friends you will feel obliged to continue with it, as there will be a sense of embarrassment and you will feel almost as if you have let your friends down if you give up. It will also give you something to be proud of, and a sense of accomplishment, as well as something to talk about!
  • Join a club or an association with like minded people trying to seek the same goal as you, you may find yourself new friends, as well as support in times of needs, and who better to get advice off, than those who have been in the exact situation!

So there are a few ideas to help you through those tough times, just always keep your mind focused on the final goal, and the rewards that will come with it e.g. extra years to your life or a great figure and use this to keep you focused. If you believe in yourself then you will succeed. Even if you relapse and have a binge, or skip an exercise session, remember, it's never too late to carry on towards your goal!

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New Health and Fitness Group on MySpace

I just discovered a new group on MySpace today that will hopefully grow into a useful fountain of knowlege for tips in regards to health and fitness, and so will be very useful to readers of this blog who are wishing to lose weight through natural weight loss. The url is New Health and Fitness Forum on MySpace
Good luck people!

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Natural weight loss sites

Here are 3 more blogs related to natural weight loss and fitness advice, please take your time to have a look through these sites!

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Other cool blogs related to natural weight loss!

Here are some other cool blogs that are related to natural weight loss, so feel free to have a look!

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Natural Weight Loss without Giving up Your Favourite Foods!

Okay well this is a huge misconception, to lose weight naturally, you do not need to stop eating chocolate, fried eggs, or any other food for that matter. Don't get me wrong if you indulge in fatty foods, you are likely to gain weight, and the key to it all is MODERATION! If you go out and try and give up all unhealthy, fatty foods, then you will fail, and end up over indulging and doing yourself no favours. Eat in moderation, cut down on those vices, rather than having a chocolate bar, ration yourself to half, apply this to all unhealthy food that you tend to eat, or try and replace unhealthy snacks for fruit or something similar and your far more likely to succeed! Through this blog, I will help you on your way offering fitness and running tips, advice and healthy recipes that you may enjoy to give you a better body, and healthier lifestyle!

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Natural Weight Loss and Fitness Advice

This is my new blog, designed to help you lose weight, quickly, easily and naturally in a safe manner. Along the way there will be many health and fitness tips to help you along the way to reaching the goal of your desired weight, improved fitness or improved health, whichever it may be.

I wish you luck.